Monday, November 2, 2009

Do you LOVE your house...I mean do you really really LOVE LOVE LOVE your house??

Well let me tell you a little bit about my house.  Me and my now hubby Justin graduated from college in 2008, we were college sweethearts, and then when we got our first jobs, and then we moved in together, and then we started hunting for a home of our own.  We live in NJ and everything is amazingly expensive, for those of you who dont know what its like.  We live 30 minutes away from New York its all about location.  The houses are old, small, and not particularly nice, but you cant get anything, not even a postage stamp for less than $400k. 

So we eventually fell in love with a fixer upper in New York State.  Well it was a forclosure and anything that could go wrong...did.  6 months later, we are finally homeowners.  Its not a huge mansion, its not new and shiny with beautiful fixtures and granite and huge ceilings.  In fact its quite the opposite.  Our new home was built in 1890, and is an old victorian charmer.  Its got a wrap around porch, hard wood floors thru the entire house, and crown molding throughout the WHOLE house. 

Our home needs so much love you wouldnt believe it, but its my little fixer upper and I couldnt be happier about it.  I just took *before* pictures tonight, I'll wait until some work is done to show you all, otherwise you'll just think I live in a hovel..

The exterior painter started last week, and he'll be done at the end of this week.  Then the interior painting will get done, followed by refinishing and staining the floors, and carpet in the bedrooms.  Followed by new bathroom, kitchen nonsense and actually a whole list of other things, so in the meantime I wait with baited breath to move into our first home.


2 sundays ago I found this cute green chair at a garage sale for $2

1. cleaned
2. heirloom spray paint
3. crackled

Its actually the first time I've ever crackled anything, you need ALOT of the crackle spray paint, its all about layering the coats, and leaving some time in between.  But overall very easy and I just followed the directions on the can.

My great $2 tiffany lamp I got at a garage pays to live in an affluent area

This I just found in my backyard and my dad said I could have it

And I painted it the same color as we are paintint our house
I love making something old and gross, beautiful again

And please meet my very first apothecary jar...I'm kind of proud of my $3 find at TJ MAX tonight, I've been looking for one, but didnt want to spend a lot. 

Does anyone else have a constant wishlist?
Heres mine
Vintage Birdcage
apothecary jar
Storage for my mudroom
Luggage Rack
Pitcher with Bowl combo for my guest bedroom
Pretty tray for my guest bedroom for my luggage rack

I'll admit a lot of the things on my list I end up getting, but a lot of times I just get a lot of other stuff I like but not on my list.  With all my stuff in storage sometimes I forget what I even have, I'm so excited to unpack, I picture christmas morning!!

What does your wish list look like??

<3 Jen